Regal’s CNY Charity Angpows Handouts/ 耀傑集團新春慈善紅包大派送
Regal Group spread the festive joy of Chinese New Year (CNY) by giving out Angpows to over 550 members from various welfare associations in Kuching, Sarawak last week.
The annual CNY Angpows handouts is a “tradition” adopted by the Group for over 10 years. More than 10 enthusiastic Regal charity ambassadors visited a total of 9 organizations including Sarawak General Hospital, The Sarawak Cheshire Home, Rumah Seri Kenangan Kuching, Home of Peace, The Salvation Army, The Green Ribbon Association Kuching, Sarawak Hun Nam Siang Tng, Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society and Sarawak Society for the Blind, over the period of 2 days to handout close to 550 Angpows to the less privileged.
“As a company, we hope the Angpows bring some warmth to the less fortunate, especially during a festive season like CNY” Raymond Jeong, the chief organizer of the Group’s charity events remarked. “Along the way, we also hope to inspire our staff to be more caring and passionate to the community.”
Regal’s charity efforts focus on creating ripples which can stir up a wave to create a “domino effect” to generate more exposure and concerns on the less fortunate group.

Mr. Jeong (right) handouts Angpow to one of the elderly in the Sarawak Cheshire Home. 楊誌良(右)將紅包派贈於濟世之家的其中一名年長者。
“公司的立場是希望透過派贈紅包爲社會上較不幸的朋友帶來一些溫暖。” 本公司慈善活動主要籌辦人楊誌良先生解析道,“透過類似活動,我們亦希望能啟發公司的職員們對社會的關懷及熱誠。”

Sharing CNY joy with elderly from Sarawak Hun Nam Siang Tng. 與砂嶗越雲南善堂的長輩分享農曆新年的喜悅。

Group photo taken at Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society, Kuching. 於砂古晉兒童癌症協會合影。