Regal Lands Signs MOU with Ego Group to Embark on Globalization of Beautiful Village Project / 耀傑與頤高正式簽約,開啟美麗鄉村國際化佈局
Regal Lands Sdn Bhd (“Regal Lands”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Regal International Group Ltd. (“RIG” or the “Group”), has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with Hangzhou Ego Group Co. Ltd (“Ego Group”) to mark the commencement of their strategic alliance. Mr. Su Chung Jye, Managing Director of Regal Lands and Mr. Liu Gang (刘刚), founder and CEO of Ego Beautiful Village, whom were both present at the signing ceremony, mutually expressed their common resolve to collaborate on all levels in order to promote the successful model of China’s beautiful village internationally
Backed by a complete set of scientific solutions to the development and operation of rural villages, Ego’s Beautiful Village has achieved great success in China. Outside China, Ego Group’s “Beautiful Village” business model is also deemed suitable for implementation in Malaysia and other countries.
Mr. Su Chung Jye, MD of Regal Lands as well as CEO of RIG, is hopeful that the “Beautiful Village” business model will bring vast improvement to the rural communities in Malaysia in terms of their standard of living and socio-economic development through the successful implementation of the “Beautiful Village” model with the unique Malaysian twist.
Regal International Group Ltd.全資子公司耀杰置地有限公司 (Regal Lands Sdn. Bhd.)與中國頤高集團正式签署谅解备忘录为其等战略性合作拉开帷幕。颐居美丽乡村创始人兼CEO山野(刘刚)、耀杰置地董事长蘇琮傑及双方代表出席了签约仪式。签约仪式上,双方表示将通过本次合作,进行多层次、多角度、全方位的美丽乡村推广和建设的合作,推广颐居美丽乡村成熟模式,推动中国美丽乡村成功经验的国际化输出,实现资源共享、渠道共建、利益共赢。

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