Tropics City Signs MOU as prelude to first enrichment mall in Sarawak / Tropics City 签署合作意向書爲一站式綜合商城佈局
The first enrichment mall in Sarawak, Tropics City, marked the beginning of their International Food Street with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing with Suria Kesturi Abadi Sdn Bhd, which founded Bumbu Cabe restaurant on 16 August 2016 in Kuching, Sarawak. Twin Revenue Sdn Bhd as the developer of this large scale project has appointed Temasek Cartel Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of The Regal Group of Companies, as its sole and exclusive marketing arm for this project.
Temasek Cartel Sdn Bhd, being a part of the renowned Regal Group, comes with 8 years of experience in the marketing and service industry, specializing in sales, leasing and rental of the properties.
Temasek Cartel was pleased to enter into this MOU with Bumbu Cabe, which has gained popularity among the locals since it established its first outlet in Kuching in January 2015 at ICOM Square. Due to fast growing demand, they have expanded to three outlets in Kuching. “It took me four years to learn and plan before setting up Bumbu Cabe. Now after three outlets, I am confident to introduce a different gastronomic experience in Tropics City by delivering a more personalised service and premium Indonesian food under the Bumbu brand name”. The signing ceremony was officiated by Regal Group’s Executive Director Nicholas Wong and Bumbu Cabe founder Abang Iskandar Zamren Basrull held at Bumbu Cabe Restaurant in CityOne Megamall here on 16th August 2016.
Signing of MOU.
Tropics City商城座落於古晉黃金地帶的桑路 (Jalan Song),地點適中,四通八達,位於古晉市與古晉國際機場之間。綜合商城(Enrichment Mall)為一站式的觀念,把高級公寓及商城融合在一起,這種生活方式已是許多大城市邁向的新趨勢。儘管古晉購物中心林立,不過Tropics City綜合商城有別於普遍的購物中心,即其4層樓的商業店鋪均不出售,只開放出租,這是為了方便該公司管理,以維持多元化的商店的同時,也避免同一類型的商店重疊。
Tropics City 綜合商城是Twin Revenue Sdn Bhd 在砂捞越首家,集文化,艺术,健康,教育,美食於一身的家,聚,便商城。Temasek Cartel 有限公司则是耀杰集团旗下子公司,承包该商城营销与租聘业务。当日为Temasek Cartel有限公司与Suria Kesturi Abadi有限公司旗下Bumbu Cabe饮食餐厅签署合作意向書, Twin Revenue Sdn Bhd 负责人当日也出席该项签约仪式。
Bumbu Cabe 将是首家进驻Tropics City综合商场的饮食餐厅。Bumbu Cabe饮食餐厅主打印尼文化美食,目前在古晋已有三间分行。耀杰集团执行董事黄拔强在新闻发布会上表示 “我们选择了Bumbu Cabe是因为这家餐厅的,老板何事都亲力亲为,推出了色香味俱全的印尼文化美食,我们相信这间餐厅所提供的服务和道地的印尼美食文化,Bumbu Cabe 将能满足居住在该商城的居民及游客的需求”。”由Twin Revenue 有限公司发展的Tropics City,除了可讓住戶享有優質的生活,該公寓也主打“商店就在你家門前”,即住家樓下就是商店和教育中心,極為便利和安全”
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