Singapore Consortium Makes Maiden Foray into Sarawak’s Eco-tourism Sector with Regal International Group / 耀傑集團與新加坡財團聯手,初涉砂嶗越生態旅游業
Regal International Group enters into a Memorandum of Understanding with leading hospitality consultant The Destination Lab, architecture and interior design consultancy ONG&ONG Pte Ltd, as well as communication design and production house Kingsmen Exhibits Pte Ltd; to explore opportunities to own, develop and operate a sustainable eco-resort destination and vacation community in Sarawak, Malaysia.
The Group’s plans taps into Malaysia’s growing eco-tourism trend and are in line with Sarawak’s goal of becoming a major eco-tourism destination in the region.
Regal International Group今日與知名的度假服務業顧問The Destination Lab、建築與室內設計顧問ONG&ONG Pte Ltd,及傳播設計與後製公司Kingsmen Exhibits Pte Ltd就開拓於馬來西亞砂嶗越開發及運營一個可持續發展的生態度假勝地與度假社區之契機,簽署諒解備忘錄。

Signing of the MOU between consortium members for the development of eco-tourism sector in Sarawak, East Malaysia. 衆財團成員就開發馬來西亞砂嶗越生態旅游業,簽署諒解備忘錄。
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