Regal Lands Signed Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement With Tuah Cahaya
Regal Lands Sdn Bhd (“Regal Lands”), a subsidiary of Regal International Group Ltd. (“RIGL”), signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement (“Framework Agreement”) with Tuah Cahaya (B) Sdn Bhd (“Tuah Cahaya”) on 25th September 2019. The signing ceremony took place in Indonesia at the city of Kutai, Kalimantan, which will be the new capital city of Indonesia.
This Framework Agreement will see Regal Lands and Tuah Cahaya working together, for mutual benefits and advantages, to explore and expand the operation and maintenance market for the relocation of the capital city of Indonesia.


About Tuah Cahaya (B) Sdn Bhd
Established in March 2019 in Brunei Darussalam where the Company desire to involve and anticipate in Brunei markets as well as to help on developing the country economy industries. The Company is driven by a dynamic and experienced management leader whom being in the market for more than 30 years. YM Tunku Azwil as the Company Advisor, recognized the role of technology in their services and embraced scope of digital in their mission to serve their customers. They focus on productivity enhancement to create and energize, motivate work safety and environmental safe to thrive on meritocracy and simplicity.