Regal Lands Collaborates with XY Hotel Group in Hospitality Management 耀傑置地與XY酒店集團强强聯手、開創酒店管理新氣象
Regal Lands Sdn Bhd (“Regal Lands”), the wholly-owned subsidiary of SGX–mainboard listed Regal International Group Ltd. (“RIG” or together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) signed a Heads of Agreement (“HoA”) with XY Hotel Holdings Pte. Ltd. (“XY Hotel”) on 15 September 2017, to explore joint business venture possibilities in hospitality management.
Regal Lands and XY Hotel intends to incorporate a new equal equity company in Kuching, Sarawak for the business activities of hotel apartment management, student hostel management, property investment consultancy, as well as hotel management software R&D and marketing. Plans are in place to tap on the rich influx of overseas Chinese students and their accompanying families to provide related property purchase, leasing and investment management services in Kuching.
Leveraging on XY Hotel’s Chinese heritage and extensive network, the new joint-venture company will be promoting Sarawak as the new overseas study destination for Chinese students from Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and surrounding cities. Cultivating international English standards from young in an affordable yet safe and stable city will be the greatest draw for these aspired Chinese students and their parents.
Backed by the Group’s extensive range of property projects in Kuching, Regal Lands will be able to provide first-hand information and priorities to the families of these overseas Chinese students in terms of property purchase or investment.
Started in Sarawak, Malaysia, this new business venture will be expanded to Australia and United Kingdom once the operations takes off.

Regal Lands Collaborates with XY Hotel Group 耀傑置地與XY酒店集團强强聯手

Mr. Dominic Su, Regal’s Group Executive Chairman cum CEO and Mr Wang Peng, XY Hotel Group’s CEO, signed the agreement at XY Hotel Xi’An Bell Tower 耀傑集團董事长暨執行長蘇琮傑與XY 酒店董事主席王鹏於西安鐘樓XY酒店簽署協議

XY Hotel Xi’An Bell Tower Opening Ceremony 適逢西安鐘樓XY酒店開幕日
Regal International Group Ltd. 全資子公司耀傑置地有限公司 (Regal Lands Sdn. Bhd.) (簡稱 “Regal Lands”) 與 XY 酒店控股有限公司XY Hotel Holdings Pte. Ltd. (簡稱“XY Hotel”) 已於 2017 年 9 月15 日簽署合作意向協議書 (簡稱“HoA”),探討酒店管理方面之合資商機。
Regal Lands 與XY Hotel 計劃於古晉砂嶗越成立一家新等權公司,以酒店公寓管理、學生宿舍管理、房地產投資顧問及酒店公寓管理軟體開發及運營爲公司業務之範圍。此外,大批海外中國留學生及他們的隨行家屬湧入古晉將是新公司提供相關房地產購買、租賃及投資管理服務的絕佳良機。
憑藉XY Hotel的中國系譜及廣泛人脈,新的合資公司將向北京、上海、深圳及周邊城市的中國學生大力推廣,將砂嶗越塑造成新興的海外留學目的地。在物價廉宜合理且安全穩定的城市裏,從小打好國際英語水平的基礎,將是對這些有志中國學生及他們的父母最大的吸引力。
而後,以本集團衆多的古晉產業項目為後盾,Regal Lands將可爲中國留學生及其家屬提供第一手的產業購買或投資資料與優先權。
About XY Hotel Holdings Pte Ltd
XY Hotel Holdings Pte Ltd is the subsidiary of Beijing Xixiangfeng Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (北京喜相逢酒店控股有限公司) (collectively as “XY Hotel Group China”). The XY Hotel Group China is an upcoming and fast-rising hotel chain that owns and manages 11 hotels and apartments in Beijing and Hangzhou. XY Hotel Group China employs smart technology hotel management methods and unique room designs to create unique customer experience, specially targeted at the young, trendy and internet-savvy clientele.
關於 XY 酒店控股私人有限公司
XY 酒店控股私人有限公司乃北京喜相逢酒店控股有限公司 (Beijing Xixiangfeng Hotel Management Co., Ltd.) (統稱 “XY 酒店集團”) 之直系子公司。XY 酒店集團是中國近期迅速崛起的連鎖酒店,於北京及杭州擁有並營運 11 家酒店及公寓。XY 酒店集團採用智能技術的酒店管理方式與獨特的客房設計,爲年輕、時尚且精通互聯網的客戶群量身打造了非一般的住宿體驗。