Regal International Group Signs RM90 Million En-Bloc Offtake Agreement with Malaysia’s Apex Cooperative, ANGKASA/ 耀傑集團與馬來西亞頂尖合作社ANGKASA 簽訂RM 90 百萬承購協議

• Regal International Group (“RIG”) has signed a conditional offtake agreement with Myangkasa Bina Sdn Bhd (“ANGKASA”) for the take up of all residential units of Phase 3 in RIG’s Airtrollis development
• ANGKASA’s en-bloc purchase of 276 units of strata titled residential apartments for RM 90 million provides RIG with an upfront guarantee in sales volume and lowers any development risks for RIG
• The security and assurance provided by the offtake agreement further lowers financial and developmental risks for the Group.

• 耀傑集團與MyAngkasa Bina Sdn Bhd (簡稱”ANGKASA”) 簽訂條件承購協議,承購本集團Airtrollis 項目第三階段工程的所有住宅單位

• ANGKASA 以RM 90 百萬全數承購276 個分層地契住宅公寓单位,为本集團带来預售的保障,大幅降低了開發風險

• 此承購協議爲本集團帶來的保障,進一步降低了集團於財務及開發方面之風險。

(Right third) Dato’ Abdul Fattah Abdullah, President of ANGKASA and (Right second) Mr Nicholas Wong, Executive Director of RIG, signed conditional offtake agreement at ANGKASA office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 30 December 2016.
(右三) ANGKASA 主席Dato’ Abdul Fattah Abdullah 與 (右二) 耀傑集團執行董事黃拔強先生於2016 年12 月30 日在ANGKASA 吉隆坡辦事處簽訂條件承購協議。

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