Regal International Group FY2016 Results Exhibits Marked Revenue and Gross Profit Increases / 耀傑集團2016財政年度營收毛利節節攀昇

• Strong pick up in sales and project completion saw revenue from property development business grow by 329% to RM149.0 million in FY2016, compared to RM34.8 million in FY2015.

• Gross profit for FY2016 surged 3553% to RM40.0 million due to completion and sales of higher profit yielding development and construction projects.

• Despite heightened expenses incurred for capacity building, profit before tax of RM3.5 million for FY2016, compared to a loss before tax of RM71.3 million in FY2015, reflects marked improvements in the Group’s financial performance.

• Outlook for the Group in FY2017 remains positive with core focus on property development business, strong pipeline of new projects, coupled with prospective value-adding complementary business ventures that aligns with our core strategy of cost-cutting and revenue enhancement.

• Healthy property sales momentum underpinned by the Group’s continued efforts to widen customer base, enhance contents of development projects and ability to build according to market demands.

Hence, in addition to the RM 39.3 million goodwill impairment shouldered by the Group and RM 1.3 million operating losses from precision business in FY2015, the total deficit caused by its legacy precision business to the Group’s financial performance in FY2015 and FY2016 is approximately RM 69.5 million, or 75% of the combined losses suffered by the Group during the financial years.

• 銷售與項目完成的強勁增長促使2016年度的產業開發業務營業收入相較2015年度的RM34.8百萬,增長了329%至RM149.0百萬。

• 因完成及銷售較高利潤之發展及建設項目,2016年度的毛利亦攀昇 3553%至RM40.0百萬。

• 儘管擴展能力建設導致費用增加,但比較去年同期的RM 71.3百萬稅前虧損,2016年度的RM 3.5百萬稅前利潤反映了集團財務業績的顯著改善。

• 集團對於2017年度的展望保持樂觀,以產業發展業務爲核心,輔以强大的新項目渠道,以及符合本集團降低成本增加收入之核心戰略的互補性增值業務。

• 本集團持續拓展客戶群、加強開發項目內容及依據市場需求建設的能力,帶動並鞏固了穩健的產業銷售。

若將2015年度集團因精密企業所承擔的RM 39.3百萬減值虧損及RM 1.3百萬營業虧損一併計入,則耀傑集團於2015及2016年度爲非核心精密企業業務所承受之總虧損約RM 69.5百萬,或集團於同時期所呈報之虧損的75%。

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