Regal Embarks on Asset Management Venture

Regal International Investments Pte. Ltd. (“RII”), the wholly owned subsidiary of SGX mainboard listed Regal International Group Ltd. (“RIG” or together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”), incorporated two new 75%-owned subsidiary, Regal Global Capital Pte. Ltd. (“RGC”) and Regal Asset Management Pte Ltd. (“RAM”) in Singapore on 31 October 2016, setting the Group’s initial pace into the asset management business, which will invariably complement its development capacities.

This is a continuation of the Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) which RIG signed with SINAD Sports Pte Ltd (“SINAD”), an asset management and sports marketing company in early August this year. Taking an equity stake of 25% each in both RAM and RGC, SINAD will be leveraging on its asset management expertise as to identify and raise partner capital to acquire a target portfolio of quality real estate projects.

Role wise, RAM is the asset manager for the industrial and logistics assets to be acquired, while RGC will be the sponsor in the acquisition of these assets. Focusing initially on Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei, the focus of the Group’s asset management business arm remains with the industrial and logistics sector across ASEAN countries.

Presently, RAM has already identified a few potential industrial properties in the region for possible acquisition and building the Group’s first real estate fund.

On the whole, RAM and RGC, collectively the Group’s asset management business arm, will cater to and complements the Group’s existing business portfolio, consequently transforming RIG into a full-fledged real estate service and solutions provider, enhancing alternative properties values, generating new and sustainable revenue streams for all stakeholders and adding to the Group’s properties in the future.

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