Million Sunray Hosts “Road to Nanning Durian Festival” Workshop
As a prelude to the Nanning Durian Festival on 20-22 October 2017, a special “Road to Nanning Durian Festival” workshop was organized by Million Sunray Sdn Bhd (“Million Sunray”), the 55%-owned subsidiary of SGX–mainboard listed Regal International Group Ltd. (“RIG” or together with its subsidiary, the “Group”) to brief aspiring Durian entrepreneurs on festival highlights, logistics arrangements and a mobile application specially designed for the event.

(From left to right) Dato Robin Wong, Director of Rimbunan Hijau, YB Dato’ Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry and Mr. Nicholas Wong, Executive Director of RIG giving a thumbs up during the Durian tasting session.
Held at the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (“MAEPS”), Kuala Lumpur, on 13 September 2017, the workshop initiated by Million Sunray received a positive turnout of approximately 60-70 participants from Malaysian government agencies, Durian and Agro-based industry players, as well as other potential investors.
Graced by the presence of YB Dato’ Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek, the Minister of Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry (“MOA”), the workshop was a successful platform in motivating agriculture industry players to pioneer the promotion of Malaysian agricultural products, especially Durians, in China.
As the first collaborative effort by MOA and other related agencies, together with the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Nanning Durian Festival will be co-organized by Million Sunray and Rimbunan Hijau.

Among the VIPs attended.

The workshop received a positive crowd turnout.
Please click on the following link(s) to download the full media article(s):
*The Star Online, “Ministry eyes direct durian exports to China within two years”, 13 Sep 2017
*Bernama, “Durian Dieksport Terus Ke China Dalam Tempoh Setahun”, 13 Sep 2017
*The Borneo Post, “Agriculture Ministry eyes direct durian exports to China 1-2 years from now”, 14 Sep 2017
*南洋商報, “新鮮榴蓮進軍中國”, 14 Sep 2017
*星洲日報,“榴蓮有價代表商機”, 14 Sep 2017