Leading Malaysian Co-Operative Invests in Regal International Group / 馬來西亞首選合作社投資耀傑集團
• Temasek Regal Capital Sdn Bhd (“TRC”), wholly owned subsidiary of Regal International Group (“RIG”) has agreed to issue RM 15 million worth of redeemable preference shares (“RPS”) to Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad (“KOJADI”), a Malaysian co-operative that provides education and business loans
• The RPS will be issued at par value of RM 1.00 per share and redeemable by KOJADI upon maturity in 3.5 years
• KOJADI’s investment into TRC represents the co-operative’s confidence in RIG’s property portfolio and related investment gateway businesses
• 耀傑集團全資子公司Temasek Regal Capital Sdn Bhd (簡稱“TRC”) 已與提供學貸及商業貸款的馬來西亞合作社 -自立合作社(Koperasi Jayadiri Malaysia Berhad,簡稱“自立合作社”)簽署協議,發行總值RM1500萬之可贖回優先股 (簡稱“RPS”)
• 該 RPS 將以每股RM1.00 面值發行,TRC可於3.5年到期後贖回
• 自立合作社予TRC的投資反映了该合作社對耀傑集團的物業組合與相關投資業務的信心

(From Left) Ms Katty Tan, General Manager of KOJADI; Datuk Ng Peng Hay, Chairman of KOJADI; Mr Dominic Su, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of RIG and Mr Nicholas Wong, Executive Director of RIG, after agreement signing at KOJADI in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
(左起) 自立合作社總經理陳敏小姐、自立合作社主席拿督黃炳火先生、耀傑集團執行董事長暨執行長蘇琮傑先生及耀傑集團執行董事黃拔強先生,於自立合作社吉隆坡辦事處簽訂協議後合影。
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