Kota Samarahan District Council Visits Regal Group / 三馬拉漢省議會代表造訪耀傑集團
Dato Peter Minos, the Chairman of Kota Samarahan District Council and his team visited Regal Group’s corporate office at Kota Samarahan on 18 August 2016, to understand and discuss about the possible collaborations on “Kampung Cantik”, an idea initiated by Regal Group.
The visitors were briefed on the concept of “Kampung Cantik”, and the possible financial return that it will generate and benefit the community. Dato Peter Minos and his team were impressed by the idea and commented Regal Group as a socially responsible property developer that didn’t forget to give back to its community. Hence, Dato Peter Minos agreed to give Regal Group their full support in making this project viable.
三馬拉漢省議會代表, 在市長拿督彼得米諾的帶領下造訪耀傑集團位於三馬拉漢省的公司總部。此行之目的是爲了解由耀傑集團發起的”美麗鄉村”項目,及討論雙方所可能合作的方向。

Mr Dominic Su, CEO & Executive Chairman of Regal International Group (Left fourth), and Dato Peter Minos, Chairman of Kota Samarahan District Council (Right second), taken at Regal Group’s corporate office after the visit. 耀傑集團執行執行董事長暨執行長蘇琮傑先生(左四)及三馬拉漢省議會市長拿督彼得米諾(右二),於訪問後攝於耀傑集團公司總部。