Result of Application for Extension of Time to Convene Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) for the Financial Year ended 31 December 2019 (“FY2019”), to Issue the Sustainability Report for FY2019 and to Announce First Quarter of Financial Period Ended 31 March 2020 (“1QFY2020”) and Second Quarter of Financial Period Ended 30 June 2020 (‘2QFY2020”)
Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalised terms shall have the same meaning ascribed to the announcement dated 18 February 2020 in relation to the Company’s application for extension of time and announcement dated 20 July 2020 in relation to the result of application for extension of time (the “Announcements”).
The Board of the Company wishes to announce that the SGX-ST had, on 18 November 2020, advised the Company that SGX-ST has carefully considered the Company’s representations and submissions. However, the application has been rejected as the Exchange finds no compelling justifications to grant the Company the Waiver.
The Exchange expects the Company to:
(i) hold its annual general meeting (“AGM”) for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 (“FY2019”) pursuant to Rule 707(1) of the SGX Listing Manual (“FY2019 AGM Extension”);
(ii) announce its Sustainability Report (“SR”) for the FY2019 pursuant to Rule 711A of the SGX Listing Manual; and
(iii) announce its 1QFY2020 Financial Results and 2QFY2020 Financial Results pursuant to Rule 705(2) of the SGX Listing Manual (collectively, “Unaudited Results”)
as soon as possible.
The Company is currently putting its best efforts to finalise the audited reports with auditors and expects the completion by early December 2020. Upon completion of audit, the Company will work with several parties to produce and finalise the Annual Report FY2019, which has to be issued at least 14 days before AGM. Therefore, the Company targets to:
a) hold its FY2019 AGM by early of February 2021;
b) announce its FY2019 SR by mid of February 2021; and
c) announce its Unaudited Results by early of March 2021.
Please click on the following links to download the full announcement(s):