Quarterly Update Pursuant To Rule 1313 (2) Of The Listing Manual/ 依據上市手冊第1313 (2) 條規之季度匯報
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Regal International Group Ltd. (the “Company”) together with its subsidiaries (the “Group”) refers to its announcement dated 4 June 2017 that the Company was placed on the watch-list due to the Minimum Trading Price (the “MTP”) Entry Criterion with effect from 5 June 2017.
Rule 1313(2) of the Listing Manual of Singapore Exchange Limited (the “SGX”) requires the Company to provide a quarterly update on its efforts and progress made in meeting the exit criteria of the MTP watch-list, including where applicable its financial situation, its future direction, or other material development that may have a significant impact on its financial position.
The Company continues its progressive implementation of cost-cutting and revenue enhancement strategies to improve and strengthen the Group’s profitability and financial position. While recent group restructuring exercise involving subsidiary Regal Universe Builders Pte. Ltd. targets at streamlining existing operations and pursuing business expansion through complementary collaborations, the latest sub-development agreement contracted by subsidiary Kenyalang Avenue Sdn. Bhd. inferred business consistency and sustainability.
Regal International Group Ltd. (簡稱 “公司”及旗下所有子公司統稱“集團”) 的董事會 (簡稱 “董事會”) 茲提述公司先前於2017年6月4日,有關公司於2017年6月5日起按最低交易價 (簡稱“MTP”) 准入標準將其列入觀察名單所發佈之公告。
依據新加坡證券交易所 (簡稱 “SGX”) 上市手冊第1313 (2) 條規規定,公司需就脫離MTP的觀察名單所做之努力與進展,包括其財務狀況、未來方向或任何其他可能對其財務狀況產生重大影響之重大發展,提供季度匯報。
本公司將逐步執行其削減成本與增加收入的策略,以期改善及加強本集團盈利與財務狀況。近期涉及子公司 Regal Universe Builders Pte. Ltd.的重組計劃旨在簡化現有業務並通過互補性合作拓展現有業務,而由子公司 Kenyalang Avenue Sdn. Bhd. 最近所簽訂的子開發合同隱示公司業務的一致性與可持續性。創造。