Possible Delisting of Taiwan Depository Receipts on Taiwan Stock Exchange Announcement / 臺灣存託憑證於臺灣證券交易所可能終止上市之公告
The Board of Directors (“Board”) of Regal International Group Ltd. (“Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, “Group”) wishes to inform on the possible delisting of Taiwan Depository Receipts (“TDR”) on Taiwan Stock Exchange (“TWSE”) for the Company (TWSE stock code: 911619).
Pursuant to the TWSE Operating Rules Article 50-3 Paragraph 9 (2), if the net worth of the company, as indicated in the duly announced and filed consolidated financial report for the most recent period, is less than one-third of its share capital stated, TWSE will require the company to delist. Refer to the Group’s Annual Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2018 (“FY2018”) which released on SGXNET, its net worth is less than one-third of its share capital stated in the consolidated financial report. Hence TWSE may terminate the TDR listing contracts with the Company.
The Company is of the opinion that the possible delisting will not affect the listing and trading of the Company’s shares on Singapore Stock Exchange.
Further announcements in relation to the status of the possible delisting of the TDR will be made in due course.
Regal International Group Ltd.(簡稱“公司”,及其子公司統稱“集團”)的董事會(簡稱“董事會”)意欲通知有關本公司於臺灣證券交易所(“TWSE”)之 臺灣存託憑證 臺灣存託憑證 臺灣存託憑證 臺灣存託憑證 臺灣存託憑證 臺灣存託憑證 (“TDR”)可能終止上市 (臺灣 证券交易所股票代码:911619)。
根据 TWSE營業細則 第 50條之 3第 9款第 2项,依照最近期间正式公布和提交的合并財務報 告所示, 如果公司的净值不到其股本三分之一TWSE将要求该公司終止上市。 依據本集 团發佈於 SGXNET之截至 2018 年 12 月 31 日止财政年度(“ FY2018”)的年度报告, 其合併 財務報告顯示其净值不足股本的三分之一 。 因此, TWSE可能 終止 與本公司 之 TDR上市 契 約。
有关 TDR可能終止上市將在適當的時候作出的進一步公告。
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