Entry Into Memorandum Of Understanding/ 簽訂諒解備忘錄
The Board of Directors of Regal International Group Ltd. (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) wishes to announce that the Company’s 55%-owned subsidiary, Million Sunray Sdn Bhd (“Million Sunray”) has on 8 March 2017 entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with iBosses Pte Ltd (“iBosses”), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of iBosses Corporation Limited (“iBosses Corp”), an internationally recognised corporation that is dedicated to inspiring and leading potential entrepreneurs in their pursuit of success through the utilisation of its proprietary eight levels of entrepreneurship maturity levels. iBosses Corp is public listed on the Australian Securities Exchange with a ticker code of iB8.
Under the MOU, Million Sunray and iBosses (“Parties”) intend to explore a joint collaboration towards developing an Islamic Entrepreneurship program in Malaysia, as well as future related programs and business venture (“Proposed Collaboration”). The Parties will, where necessary and needed, enter into a formal agreement setting out the definitive terms and conditions for this Proposed Collaboration in due course. The term of the MOU is for a period of twelve months from the date of the MOU.
Regal International Group Ltd. (簡稱“公司”及旗下所有子公司統稱“集團”) 的董事會僅此宣佈宣佈其55%權益子公司Million Sunray Sdn Bhd (簡稱 “Million Sunray”) 與 iBosses Pte Ltd (簡稱“iBosses”) 於2017年3月8日簽署諒解備忘錄 (簡稱“備忘錄”)。iBosses爲於澳大利亞證券交易所上市,股票代碼為iB8的iBosses Corporation Limited (簡稱“iBosses Corp”) 之全資子公司。受國際認可的iBosses Corp致力於激勵及引導有潛力的企業家,通過運用其專有的八個級別之創業成熟度進階,追求成功。
依據備忘錄,Million Sunray 與 iBosses (簡稱“各方”)將致力於馬來西亞携手合作開發伊斯蘭創業計劃,以及未來相關之項目及商業投資 (簡稱“擬議合作”)。各方將在必要與需要時,訂立正式協議,爲本擬議合作案列定明確的條款與條件。備忘錄的期限將以訂立備忘錄之日起的十二個月爲期。
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