Change of Registered Office Address / 更改注冊辦公地址

The Board of Directors of Regal International Group Ltd. (the “Company”) wishes to announce that with effect from 31 July 2015 , the Company’s registered office address will be changed to:-


45 North Canal Road #04-01, Singapore 059301.

The new telephone and fax numbers of the Company are as follows;-

Telephone        : 6532 3383

Fax                  : 6532 4484



Regal International Group Ltd.(簡稱“公司”)的董事會僅此宣佈其注冊辦公地址於2015年7月31日起將更改至:


45北運河路 #04-01,新加坡 059301



電話       : 6532 3383

傳真       : 6532 4484

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