Regal International Group’s Revenue Jumps 115% to RM$81.3 Million in 1Q2016 / 耀傑集團2016年度第1季營收上漲115%
- Revenue in 1Q2016 grew 115% to RM$81.3 million from RM$37.3 million in 1Q2015 due to more sold units and completed development projects.
- The Group recorded Net Profit of RM$0.3 million for 1Q2016 owing to a profit after tax contribution of RM3.8 million from the property division, which was offset by loss after tax of RM1.3 million from the precision business division.
- The Group remains cautiously confident that it will be able to meet future headwinds through adaptive strategies such as growing beyond Kuching, Sarawak and positioning a diversified and balanced portfolio of projects to meet changing market demands.
- 拜產業單位銷售量上升及較多發展項目竣工所賜,本集團之營業收入自2015年度第1季的RM37.8百萬元上漲115%至2016年度第1季RM81.3百萬元。
- 產業部於2016年度第1季所貢獻之RM3.8百萬元之稅後淨利爲精密企業部之RM1.3百萬元稅後淨損部分抵消後,集團於2016年度第1季之稅後淨利為RM0.3百萬元。
- 集團對剋服逆境持審慎卻不失信心的態度,擬通過適應性戰略拓展砂嶗越古晉以外之業務,並以多元化且均衡值產業項目組合之定位滿足不斷變化的市場需求。
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