Regal International Group Sees 195% Rise in Revenue & 444% Jump in Gross Profits in 2Q2016 / 耀傑集團2016年第2季度漸入佳境營收增加195%毛利亦上漲444%

• Revenue from property development business in 2Q2016 grew 195% to RM18.7 million due to more development projects completed and an increase in the number of units sold.

• Gross profit for 2Q2016 jumped 444% to RM6.3 million due to completion and sales of development projects which yielded better margins.

• On a segmental basis, the property business yielded healthy gross profit margin of 34% and contributed profit after tax of RM0.7 million in 2Q2016.

• Outlook for the Group in 2Q2016 remains positive with potential new projects in the pipeline and a stable property market in Sarawak.

• Strategically, Regal continues to explore new possibilities through an asset management establishment, eco-tourism collaborations and Sino-Malaysia ventures.

• 產業部營收於2016年第2季度增加195%至RM18.7百萬元,原因爲較多發展項目竣工及項目單位售出。

• 鑒於較多利潤優厚的發展項目竣工及售出,2016年第2季度之毛利亦大幅上漲444%至RM6.3百萬元。

• 按節段性基準而言,產業部於2016年第2季度以34%毛利率所貢獻之RM0.7百萬元稅後淨利實屬佳績。

• 砂嶗越產業市場平穩,亦有多個新項目在籌劃中,因此集團於2016年第2季度之展望依然樂觀。

• 在戰略上,耀傑集團將持續開拓新契機,如通過設立產業管理、生態旅遊合作及中馬合資企業等。

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