Listed on the mainboard of Singapore Exchange – Securities Trading Limited (“SGX”) (Stock code: UV1.SI), Regal International Group Ltd. (“RIG” or the “Group”) is one of the first Sarawak-based companies to list on the mainboard of the SGX. RIG aspires to be the bridging gateway and platform for international partners and investors to access the abundant emerging business opportunities in East Malaysia.
Over the past 17 years, the Group has achieved an impressive track record of constructing and completing a range of property development projects in Kuching and Kota Samarahan areas of East Malaysia. This diverse property portfolio includes shop houses, landed residential properties, condominiums, commercial and industrial units. The Group has in recent years added Nilai (Negeri Sembilan, West Malaysia) and Bintulu (Sarawak, East Malaysia) to the geographical coverage of its property development business.
Building on its strong pipeline of property projects, the Group further progresses strategically to manufacture its own building materials and develop ancillary services. Joint venture companies involved in supplying concrete, painting works and steel fabrication have been established to realize better cost, quality and delivery controls.
Strategies for the Future
RIG adopts a strategy of product innovation and value-chain creation to ultimately heighten demands and broaden its customer base. The Group is constantly on the lookout to enhance its development projects through value-added services and innovative real estate applications.
Leveraging on RIG’s unique positioning as the gateway for international investors into Sarawak, the Group explores strategic ventures and collaboration opportunities in alignment with its vision to evolve as a cross-border platform connector between investors from Singapore, Malaysia and China.
Propelling ahead, RIG is confident that these strategies will enable the Group to attain its business success as a builder developer that integrates real estate products with complementary business ventures of sustainable growth.
同時於新加坡證券交易所(簡稱“SGX”)主板(股票代碼: UV1.SI)上市的Regal International Group Ltd. (簡稱“RIG”或“集團”) 為首批於SGX主板掛牌的砂嶗越企業之一。RIG的願景是成為合作夥伴及投資者與東馬新興商業契機接軌之國際橋樑。
過 往十七年裏,集團在馬來西亞東 部的古晉 (Kuching)和三馬拉漢(Kota Samarahan)地區完成多項房地產開發案,成就斐然,紮下了穩固實績的基礎。其多元化的房地產物業組合包括街屋、排屋、半獨立式房屋、公寓單位和商業辦公單位。近期,集團更是把汝來(西馬森美蘭州)及民都魯(東馬砂嶗越州)都盡數納入產業部的地理版圖內。