Result of Application for Extension of Time / 延期申請之結果

The Board of the Company wishes to announce that the SGX-ST had, on 5 April 2019, informed the Company that it is unable to grant the Company the Extension as it found no extenuating reason to grant the same – all listed issuers reporting under the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards were required to adopt the new accounting framework, and the SGX-ST and the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (“ACRA”) have given advance notice of the impending changes and requirements.


As announced by the Company on 29 March 2019, the Company had made the application for the Extension to the SGX-ST as it requires more time to prepare and complete its audited financial statements for FY2018 pursuant to the Company’s inaugural adoption of the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (International). Previously, the Company’s financial statements had been prepared in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standards in Singapore and the related interpretations thereof as issued by the Singapore Accounting Standards Council. In view of the foregoing, the Company requires more time to prepare its annual report for FY2018 and to convene its FY2018 AGM.


The SGX-ST has informed the Company of its expectation that the Company hold its FY2018 AGM as soon as possible, and the Company expects to be able to hold its AGM just shortly after the deadline imposed by Rule 707(1) of the SGX-ST’s Listing Manual (i.e. 30 April 2019). The Company expects to be able to hold its AGM by no later than 31 May 2019.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company will also be submitting an application to ACRA for the Extension. The Company will make further announcements to update its shareholders on the outcome of the application to ACRA in due course.


公司之董事會僅此宣佈,SGX-ST於2019年4月5日通知公司,因據理不充,無法爲公司授予延期 – 所有依據新加坡財務報告準則提交報告之上市發行人均須採用新的會計框架,況且SGX-ST與新加坡會計與企業管制局(簡稱 “ACRA ”)已就所可能招致的變化及需求給予提前通知。




SGX-ST向公司示意,期望公司能盡早召開其FY2018之股東大會,而公司也預計能在SGX-ST上市規則第707 (1)條所列明之期限(即2019年4月30日)後不久召開股東大會。公司預計能在2019年5月31日或之前召開股東大會。





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