Result of Application for Extension of Time to Announce Financial Results for Q1FY2019 / 申請延期公告Q1FY2019財報之結果

Unless otherwise defined herein, all capitalised terms shall have the same meaning ascribed to the announcement dated 7 May 2019 in relation to the Company’s application for extension of time to announce its financial results for first quarter ended 31 March 2019 (the “Announcement”).

1. The Board of the Company wishes to announce that the SGX-ST had, on 14 May 2019, informed the Company that it has no objection to grant the Company an extension of 2 months till 15 July 2019 to announce its Q1FY2019 financial results (the “Waiver”), subject to the following:

(a) The Company announcing the Waiver granted, the reasons for seeking the Waiver and the conditions as required under Listing Rule 107, and if the Waiver conditions have been satisfied. If the Waiver conditions have not been met on the date of the announcement, the Company must make an update announcement when the conditions have all been met; and

(b) Submission of a written confirmation from the Company that it is not aware of any information that will have a material bearing on investors’ decision which has yet to be announced by the Company.

2. SGX-ST granted the Company a waiver of the requirement under Rule 705(2) of the Listing Manual to announce its Q1FY2019 financial results till 15 July 2019 based on specific financial reporting issues encountered by the Company in finalizing the FY2018 audited financial results.

The Group encountered differing views on the various course of recognition arising from the new SFRS(I) accounting standards. Property valuations and impairment assessments were also issues that demanded additional time to finalize. The resulting delay is unexpected and non-intentional, but essential in presenting a complete and accurate set of FY2018 audited financial results, which will impact on the opening figures of FY2019 financial results.

3. The Company has submitted the written confirmation under paragraph 1(b) above to the SGX-ST.



除另有界定或文義另有所指外,本公告所用詞彙與公司於2019年5月7日的申請延期公告截至2019年3月31日首季度之財務報告 (簡稱“公告”)具有相同涵義。

1. 公司之董事會僅此宣佈SGX-ST已於2019年5月14日通知公司,如符合下列條件,將不反對批准其申請延期兩個月至2019年7月15日公告 Q1FY2019 財務報告 (簡稱“獲免”):

(a) 公司將公告豁免已獲批准,尋求豁免的理由及上市規則第107條所規定的條件,以及豁免條件已獲達成。 如果公告發布之日未滿足豁免條件,公司必須在滿足條件時發布更新公告; 及

(b) 公司提交書面確認,表示其並不知悉任何本公司尚未公佈,與投資者決定有重大關係的資料。

2. SGX-ST依上市規則第705(2)條給予公司豁免,允許公司基於在確定FY2018經審計財務報告時遇到的具體財務報告問題,延期至2019年7月15日公告其Q1FY2019之財務報告。


3. 公司已依據上述1(b) 段落將聲明書呈交於SGX-ST.


Please click on the following links to download the full announcement(s):


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