Proposed Acquisition of Wisma Majuniaga Sdn Bhd

The Board of Directors (the “Board” or the “Directors”) of Regal International Group Ltd. (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) wishes to announce that the Company has on 21 July 2017, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Temasek Regal Capital Sdn Bhd (the “Purchaser”), entered into a conditional agreement for sale of shares (the “Agreement”) with Twin Revenue Sdn Bhd (the “Vendor”) to acquire the entire issued and paid up share capital of Wisma Majuniaga Sdn Bhd (the “Target”) (the “Acquisition”) at the consideration of RM11,500,000 (or equivalent to S$3,720,479 based on the exchange rate of S$1 : RM3.091) (the “Consideration Amount”), which shall be satisfied by way of allotment and issuance of new ordinary shares in the capital of the Company (the “Consideration Shares”) to the Vendor upon the completion of the Acquisition.

Regal International Group Ltd. (簡稱“公司”及旗下所有子公司統稱“集團”)的董事會(簡稱“董事會”或“董事”)僅此宣佈其全資子公司Temasek Regal Capital Sdn. Bhd. (簡稱 “買方”) 與Twin Revenue Sdn. Bhd. (簡稱 “出售方”) 已於2017年7月21日簽訂條件售股協議 (簡稱“協議”),以RM11,500,000 之對價(或根據匯率SG$1:RM3.091,相當於S$3,720,479) (簡稱“收購對價”) 對Wisma Majuniaga Sdn. Bhd. (簡稱“目標”) 所有繳足之已發行股本進行全面收購(簡稱“收購案”)。收購案完成後,公司將以配置依公司股本所發行的新普通股(簡稱“對價股”)予出售方全額支付收購對價。

For further information, kindly download the full announcement(s) as per link(s) below.

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