Litigation / 訴訟

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Regal International Group Ltd. (the “Company”) wishes to announce that Lim Jin Wei, its former Chief Financial Officer of the property division, has filed a writ of summons and statement of claim in the State Courts of the Republic of Singapore against the Company.

The claim made by Mr Lim is for S$96,154 for alleged unpaid salaries.  The Company is currently seeking legal advice and will, in consultation with their lawyers, take the necessary steps and measures to respond to the claim.


Regal International Group Ltd. (簡稱 “公司”) 的董事會 (簡稱 “董事會”) 謹此宣布,其產業部前首席財務總監林仁偉已向新加坡共和國國家法院提出傳喚令及索賠陳述書。



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