Increase in Shareholding Interest in Subsidiary/ 增加對子公司所擁有之股權
The Board of Directors (“Board”) of Regal International Group Ltd. (“Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, “Group”) wishes to announce that Regal International Investments Pte. Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary, has increased its equity interest in Regalia Properties Pte. Ltd., from 70% to 80% by acquiring shares from the existing shareholders at a total cash consideration of S$2.00. (“Acquisition”)
Regal International Group Ltd. (簡稱“公司”及旗下所有子公司統稱“集團”) 的董事會僅此宣佈其全資子公司Regal International Investments Pte. Ltd. 耀傑國際投資私人有限公司已自其子公司Regalia Properties Pte. Ltd. 耀家傑產業代理私人有限公司的現有股東處以總現金S$2.00購得股份 (簡稱“收購”),使其對該子公司所擁有之股權自70%增至80%。
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