Financial Entry Criteria/ 財務准入標準
The Board of Directors of Regal International Group Ltd. (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) wishes to draw investors’ attention on the subject matter which is currently pending reply from Singapore Exchange Limited (the “SGX-ST”).
Rule 1311(1) of the Listing Manual states that the SGX-ST will place an issuer on a watch-list if it records pretax
losses for the three (3) most recently completed consecutive financial years (based on audited full year consolidated accounts), and an average daily market capitalisation of less than S$40 million over the last 6
Although the Company had recorded a positive pre-tax profit for FY2016, it has written to the SGX-ST to
explain that the Group should be considered as having fulfilled the financial requirements in respect of Rule
1311(1), notwithstanding the negative after tax profit which resulted from the disposal of discontinued
The Company will make further announcements once it has been informed by SGX-ST pertaining to the
above issue, as and when necessary and/or appropriate.
Regal International Group Ltd. (簡稱 “公司”及旗下所有子公司統稱“集團”) 的董事會茲通知投資人,與上述課題有關之事項目前正在等待新加坡證券交易所 (簡稱 “SGX-ST”) 之回復。
依據SGX-ST上市手冊第1311(1)條規,上市公司若在最近的三(3)個財政年度(以經審核的全年賬目爲準)連續計入稅前虧損;以及最近6個月的每日平均市場值少於S$40 百萬,則該公司將被列入觀察名單中。
Please click on the following links to download the full announcement(s):