Entry Into Memorandum Of Understanding / 簽訂諒解備忘錄

The Board of Directors of Regal International Group Ltd. (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) wishes to announce that Regal Lands Sdn. Bhd. (“Regal Lands”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, has on 19 April 2016 entered into a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) with Malaysia Innovation Hub (“MIH”).

MIH engages in commercialisation cooperation with a view to creating new industries and new job opportunities, as well as the commercialisation of product research and development for both Malaysian and international markets (the “Commercialisation Industries”).

In connection with the MOU, the Group and MIH intend to explore forming business relations to develop business opportunities with the intention of jointly developing and collaborating to develop the Commercialisation Industries and related business ventures. The parties will discuss the transactions relating to the MOU in further detail in due course.


Regal International Group Ltd.(簡稱“公司”及旗下所有子公司統稱“集團”)的董事會僅此宣佈 其全資子公司Regal Lands Sdn. Bhd. (簡稱“Regal Lands”) 已於2016年4月19日與Malaysia Innovation Hub馬來西亞創新中心 (簡稱 “MIH”) 簽訂諒解備忘錄 (簡稱“諒解備忘錄”) 。

MIH從事以創造新產業與新就業機會爲前提的商業化合作,旨在將馬來西亞及國際市場里的 產品研究與開發商業化(簡稱 “商業化產業” )。

依據諒解備忘錄,集團與MIH有意探討建立業務關係之可能,以便聯手發展及合作開發的商 業化產業及相關業務。雙方將在適當的時候進一步詳細討論有關諒解備忘錄之事務。


*Please click here for the further details & download the official press release(s).




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