Entry Into Heads of Agreement / 簽訂合作意向協議書
The Board of Directors of Regal International Group Ltd. (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) wishes to announce that Million Sunray Sdn Bhd (a 55%-owned subsidiary of the Company) (“Million Sunray”) has on 12 September 2016 entered into a non-binding Heads of Agreement (“HOA”) with the China – Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee (“CMQIPAC”). CMQIPMC is the governing body of the planned China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park located in Qinzhou, China (“CMQIP”).
Under the HOA, the parties intend to assess opportunities for cooperation with a view to develop various property projects in CMQIP, including a halal certification and inspection center, a halal research and development center, a halal food processing production line, a logistics and warehouse area and an exhibition center in the CMQIP. The terms of the HOA provide that, amongst others, CMQIPAC will give to Million Sunray a non-retractable period of twelve (12) months and grant to Million Sunray the sole and exclusive right to source and develop the related CMQIP projects mentioned above.
Regal International Group Ltd. (簡稱“公司”及旗下所有子公司統稱“集團”) 的董事會僅此宣佈Million Sunray Sdn Bhd (擁有55%股權之子公司) (“Million Sunray”) 已於2016年9月12日與中馬欽州產業園區管委會 (“CMQIPAC”) 簽訂無法律約束力的合作意向協議書 (簡稱“協議書”)。CMQIPAC為中國欽州市策劃的中國-馬來西亞欽州產業園區 (China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park) (“CMQIP”) 的管理機構。
依據有關協議書,雙方將對於在CMQIP的各項產業發展項目評估合作的機會,包括在CMQIP内的清真食品認證及審核中心、清真研發中心,清真食品加工生產線、物流及倉儲區域、及展示中心。協議書條款內容亦包括CMQIPAC授予Million Sunray十二 (12) 個月不可撤消性質的獨家專有權限,以統籌並開發上述之CMQIP項目。
For further information, kindly download the full announcement(s) as per link(s) below.