Entry into Development Agreement/ 新開發權合約之公告

The Company wishes to announce that Arena Wiramaju Sdn Bhd (“Arena”), a subsidiary of the Company, has entered into a Development Agreement (“DA”) on 7 April 2017 with the owner of Lot 20 Block 11 Matang Land District, situated at Sungai Moyan, Batu Kawa Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia comprising an area of 3.606 hectares (the “said Land”).

Under the DA, the said Land will be developed, erected and completed as a mixed development, subject to Arena securing all the necessary approvals, licenses and permits from the relevant government and regulatory authorities. In connection with the DA in respect of the said Land, an irrevocable power of attorney has been granted by the owner of the said Land to Arena to authorize Arena to exercise such rights of a land owner as are necessary for the development of the said Land, including the right to make all necessary applications to the relevant authorities for the various approvals required to develop the said Land.

本公司僅此宣佈其全資子公司Arena Wiramaju Sdn. Bhd. (簡稱“Arena”) 已於2017年4月7日與位於馬來西亞砂嶗越,Lot 20 Block 11 Matang Land District,Sungai Moyan, Batu Kawa Kuching,佔地面積約3.606 公頃之土地 (簡稱“所述土地”) 的地主簽署了所述土地之開發權合約 (簡稱“開發權合約”)。


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