Application for Extension of Time to Announce Sustainability Report for Year 2018 / 申請延期公告2018年度永續性報告書
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Regal International Group Ltd. (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) wishes to announce that the Company had on 31 May 2019 applied to the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the “SGX-ST”) for an extension of time (the “Extension”) to announce its sustainability report for year 2018.
Pursuant to Rule 711A of the SGX-ST’s Listing Manual, the Company is required to announce its sustainability report by 31 May 2019.
Due to the reasons as mentioned in the application of extension for the announcement of the Group’s audited financial results for first quarter ended 31 March 2019 (“Q1FY2019”), the Group requires more time to prepare and complete its audited financial statements for FY2018. Further to this, the Company would like to seek for extension of time from SGX-ST to complete its sustainability report. The resulting delay is unexpected and non-intentional, but essential in presenting a complete and accurate set of FY2018 audited financial results which is critical to be inputted into its sustainability report.
Henceforth, the Group has been eagerly preparing its full FY2018 financial statements with its auditors. The FY2018 audited financial results which are still not finalized will have impact on the figures in the sustainability report. Therefore, the Company believes that it would be more appropriate and accurate to prepare the sustainability report with figures from the audited FY2018 financial results.
In view of the foregoing, the Company requires more time to prepare for its sustainability report and hope that SGX-ST would grant the Company an extension until 31 July 2019 or as soon as practicable to complete the FY2018 audited financial results. The Company believes that the interests of its shareholders are best served by the Extension.
The Company will make further announcements to update its shareholders on the outcome of the application for Extension in due course.
Regal International Group Ltd. (簡稱“公司”及旗下所有子公司統稱“集團”) 的董事會 (簡稱“董事會”) 僅此宣佈公司已於 2019 年 5 月 31 日向新加坡證券交易所 (簡稱“SGX-ST”) 提交申請,延期 (簡稱“延期”) 公告本公司之2018年度永續性報告書。
依據 SGX-ST 上市規則第711A條,本公司需在截至 2019 年 5 月 31 日公告其2018年度永續性報告書。
正如本集團申請延期公告 Q1YF2019 經審計財報之結果的原因,本集團所採用的SFRS(I)會計準則需要更多時間來編制及完成其FY2018經審計財務報表。此外,本公司希望新加坡證券交易所能批准延期,以完成2018年度永續性報告書。由此產生的延遲是意外和并非本意,但對於提供完整而準確的FY2018經審計財務報表至關重要,因爲其財報會被應用在2018年度永續性報告書。
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